Somalia becomes first country to back Amina Mohammed for top AU post

Somalia has become the very first country to publicly offer its substantive vote to the candidature of Amina Mohammed, the foreign Affairs CS for the top African Union post.


According to the State House spokesperson Manoah Esipisu, a high ranking delegation from Somalia made the big announcement during a meeting where several Kenyan ambassadors and high commissioners to foreign nations had been recalled for a closed-door meeting.

“A delegation from Somalia has announced that Somalia publicly supports Amina Mohamed for the top AU job. Somalia is now the first country to do so,” Esipisu said in a statement.

The statehouse spokesperson further stated that the meeting’s objective was to strategize on the next steps in the coming weeks and months ahead of the January 2017 vote and ultimate decision.

“Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in Kenya, the current Zimbabwe High Commissioner has also spoken glowingly of Amina’s, and also made it clear that the vote itself resided in the hands of Heads of States and Governments,” he added

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