Akhri: Xasan Culusoow oo si cad loogu sheegay in Taangiga AMISOM uusan ku ahayd dawlad

Xalay 2 nov waxaa warsaxaafadeed uu kaga hadlaya marxalada Somalia ku sugan tahay waqtiga xaadirka ah soo saaray Ergeyga Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya  Nicholas Kay,isagoo walaac aad u wayn ka muujiyey sida Xasan Culusoow u hareer maray wixii Somaliyi ku heshiisay. Mr Kay ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay laba qodob:

  1. Isagoo u digay Xildhibaanada caadada ka dhigtay in ay codkooda lacag ku bedeshaan, una digay in la joojiyo Mooshinka uu Culusoow rabo in uu xilka kaga qaado Wasiirka 1aad.
  2. Isagoo u digay Mr Culusoow una sheegay in tilaabo laga qaadidoono haddii uusan joojin Qaska uu wado

Halkan ka Akhri qaar ka mid ah Qoraalkii Mr Kay

“I recognise the dedication and hard work of Members of Parliament, but I am concerned about allegations of some MPs being asked to exchange votes for cash in the context of a potential ‘No Confidence’ motion, which is a disservice to Somalia’s progress towards accountability and transparency,” he added. Somalia and Somalis deserve better.”

Mr. Kay repeated recent calls by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for political unity and continuity at the highest level of the Federal Government of Somalia, and noted that any action by any party that creates political turmoil would be reported to the UN Security Council, who will be notified that such action risks spoiling the prospect of implementing Vision 2016.

Midowga Yurub ayaa isna maanta 3 nov soo saray warsaxaafadeed xambaarsan labadii qodob ee uu ka hadlay Ergeyga Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya  Nicholas Kay kuwaas oo ahaa u digid Xildhibaanada iyo Culusoow. Waxay kaloo EU du ku hanjabtay in ay ka fiirsanayaan dhaqaalaha faraha badan ee ay Xasan Culusoow siiyaan ayna jaridoonaan hadduu talaabo kale qaado!!!!

Halkan ka Akhri qaar ka mid ah Qoraalkii Midowga Yurub:

Parliament, as the primary organ of the Federal Institutions, has a special responsibility in these times and we call upon members of the legislative to respect the integrity of the process and the institutions. It is an issue that we, as a main donor, will be monitoring closely.

The EU remains committed to support Somali driven efforts to address the crisis and continue working closely with UN, IGAD, AU, US, Ethiopia and Somalia’s international partners. The EU remains ready to look at all options should these calls not be heeded and the situation deteriorate further.

Isku soo wada duuboo XasanCulusoow wuxuu marayaa meel aad iyo aad uga liidata markii uu kursiga madaxtinimada isaga casilay Madaxweynihii hore ee JFS AUN Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed. Sida ay hore u saadaalisay Puntlandes.com Xasan Culussow isma casilidoono wuxuuna isku dayidoonaa in uu ka horyimaado nimankii awalba taageeradooda uu ku ahaa madaxweynaha ”beesha caalamka”. Oogow hada Taangiga AMISOM la’aantii waa EBER…….


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