Statement by Parliamentary CAUCUS against the proposed Motion of No Confidence against the Prime Minister

We, as the parliamentarian CAUCUS of 115 Members of the Federal Parliament of Somalia, herewith publish the statement below in protest of the illegal, baseless proposed ‘Motion of No Confidence’ against the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia.

The current political crisis triggered by the President of the Federal Republic rejecting the constitutional prerogative of Prime Minister to conduct a mini reshuffle on 25.10.2014, and the subsequent call for a ‘Motion of No Confidence’, puts the country in unnecessary political deadlock. Clearly, the motion is unjustified and unconstitutional in nature and politically motivated. This move drives our country into deep bureaucratic paralysis that threatens to stall and/or regress the progress made collectively, so far. It is with regret that we note that this attempt follows 9 Prime Ministers removed from Office since 2002, in such a manner, with enormous cost to Somalia.

We collectively agree that these political crises have crippled our country for far too long. Enough is enough! Our people have suffered through famine, civil war and political instability and cannot afford any more setbacks and delays in achieving peace and security, Somali’s deserve better.

It is without doubt that the Federal Government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, has made tremendous, visible and tangible progress over the past year. The government’s mission, known as Vision 2016, has been clear: to create a secure environment that enables the country to get to free and fair election through the creation of federal states and the review and referendum on the constitution. We note the progress made against this and in addition, the wider and deeper outreach to regional states, gains in security of not only of clearing Al-Shabab from Somalia but also improvement of the security within the capital.

However, the road to V2016 is long and filled with many challenges that require the involvement of all the Federal institutions to work together. Our focus, Federal Parliament jointly with the Executive, should be on fast tracking the adaption of all key legislations, commissions and resolutions necessary for the run up to the 2016 elections. These include key legislations: Boundaries and Federation Law and Commission, National Election Law and Commission, Party Law and Constitutional Court Law. In addition, we should be supporting the Executive in its efforts to complete the state formation processes as a matter of urgency. We should also be focusing on the review of the constitution and the proposed referendum for 2015 and ensure that the Somali public, whom we represent, are adequately consulted on all these important areas.

We cannot achieve this if every year Somalia undergoes such crises. We call for a united Somalia based on unity in diversity. As a CAUCUS, we have identified the following key principles, that as Federal Institutions, we must respect:

  1. Principle of political inclusivity and diversity
  2. Principle of political stability and continuity
  3. Principle of respecting provisional constitution
  4. Principle of resolving conflict through political negotiation
  5. Principle of developing our institutional integrity and strengthening democratization of Somalia
  6. Principle of putting the interest of Somalia first and foremost before the interest of individuals

We strongly believe that the proposed ‘Motion of No Confidence’ is against the principles mentioned above. It is one that categorically does not serve the interest of the Somali people. Whilst we give due respect to the institution of the Presidency, we call on the President and other stakeholders to engage in genuine constructive dialogue that leads to a sustainable political stability. We collectively and strongly promulgate that every effort should be devoted to ensure that Somalia does not slip back into the chaos that is characteristic of our recent history. Enough is enough.

Now is not the time for political instability in Somalia; now is not the time for postponement of Vision 2016; and now is certainly not the time for political division. We ask on all Somalis, and appeal to all parliamentarians to do what we must do as part of our constitutional mandate to deliver the goals for a stable, united and peaceful Somalia.

We appeal to all parliamentarians that we move from the groundless Motion of No Confidence to one of Collective Confidence for the greater good of our people. We all need to rise to promote and preserve the common good for Somalia.

Our mandate as parliamentarians, remain serving the interest of the Somali people. Today, we make this statement as we believe that the actions set in motion recently, categorically undermines the interest of Somalia and its citizens. To resolve the current crisis, we call for genuine dialogue and inclusive political negotiations.

Download the Statement PDF 

Hon. Abdi Ahmed Dhuxolow

Chairman of the Parliamentary Caucus

Phone: +252615548844

Hon. Prof. Abdirizak Osman Hassan

Chairman of Int. Relations of

Parliamentary Caucus
Phone: +2526155333656#



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