Xog: Shirka Denmark ee New deal oo si wayn loogu Canaantay madxweyne Xasan Culusoow

Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada dalka Denmark oo la hadlayey TV2 dk ayaa yiri madaxda DFS waa in ay joojiyaan dagaalka ama Khilaafka dhexdooda ah waana in ay ka faa’iidaystaan wiiqitaankii la wiiqay Al Shabaab, hoos ka akhri hadalka wasiirka.

It says Foreign Minister Lidegaard to TV2. The political leadership, the central government in Mogadishu, need to understand that it must put infighting behind and seize the momentum that has arisen after the militant group al-Shabaab is pushed back.

Isagoo hadlakiisa sii wata ayuu wasiirku yir wasiirku waa in ay Somalidu fuliyaan balanqaadkoodii ay dadkooda u balanqaadeen taasoo ahayd in ay mideeyaan wadanka, la dagaalamaan Musuqmaasuqa iyo in aysan is Khilaafin, hoos ka akhri hadalka wasiirka.

– This conference must keep the Somali leaders to their promises to the people: to keep the country united, avoid corruption political divisions. It is not always as easy as it sounds. Therefore, the conference an attempt to keep Somalia responsible for Somalia’s future, says Martin Lidegaard.

Bernt Hansen oo ah Khabiir ku xeeldheer arimaha Afrika ayaa yiri mar uu ka hadlayey madxweyne Xasan waxaa qasab ah in lagu hadlo Xarfo Waawayn (oo uu ula jeedo wax ka baxsan afka diplomsayada), hoos ka akhri hadalka Khabiirka.

Wuxuuna yiri isagoo sii wata hadalkii Holger Bernt waxaa kaloo muhiim ah in Xarfo Waawayn oo ku haboon iyaga lagula hadlo. Waa in Fariin toos ah loo diraa madaxda Somalida loona sheegaa in ay lacagtayada aanu ku shubayn meel EBER ah. Khabiirka ayaa ka digay kala qaybsanaanta madaxda Somalida iyo DFS oo qarka u saaran in ay bur burto ka dib markii Raysul Wasaaruhu wasaarad kale u bedelay wasiir aad ugu dhow madaxweyne Xasan.  Wuxuu kaloo Khabiirku sheegay in dawlada Dermark ugu talogashay Somalia aduun lacageed oo dhan 450 miljan waqtiga 2015-2017 taasoo aysan Denmark doonayn in ay cidla ku shubto. Hoos ka akhri hadaladii Khabiir Bernt Hansen.

Africa expert Holger Bernt Hansen expects it will be necessary to speak in capital letters to Somalia

– This is serious, and I think you need to talk to the right capital letters to them. There must be sent clear messages that there is also a limit to how much we will continue to invest if they do not play with, says Professor Emeritus Holger Bernt Hansen of the Center for African Studies at the University of Copenhagen.

– It should be at the conference beating firmly confirms. It is necessary that you come out of the Christmas play about who should have influence. And it requires that you get finished with the Constitution, which Denmark also supports.

The recent past has been marked by turmoil within the government and a highly strained relationship between the Prime Minister and the President.

Monday urged Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed 14 disgruntled ministers in his government to resign if they disagreed with his line. More than 100 parliamentarians who support the president, has tabled a motion of censure against the Prime Minister, according to Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed in October, a government reshuffle and allocated a close ally of the president.

Denmark has the latest budget allocated 450 million to Somalia for the period 2015-2017, and the government will in the next funding period focus more on supporting the central government and its initiatives.

Such restructuring requires that the government and parliament in Mogadishu can hold together. And it may be the weak point, especially when you have just seen a censure to the Prime Minister, according to the Danish professor.

– It requires more attention is beginning to show some stability and assumes greater responsibility on the central government in Mogadishu and not just playing hocus-pocus of political positions. Businesslike and constructive must be started to create and build the country back up, says Holger Bernt Hansen.



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